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Miembro del comité organizador científico de DIPPS, 25--28 Sept. 2017.
Granada (Spain).
Miembro del comité organizador científico de ECLA, 21--25 Nov. 2016.
Madrid (Spain).
Co-organizador de workshop ALABASTRO, 27--30 June 2016.
Jaca, Huesca (Spain).
Miembro del LOC del 2nd National Conference on Laboratory and Molecular Astrophysics, 14--16 November 2012.
Univ. Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla.
Miembro del SOC del Sardinian Summer School of Astrophysics ``Astrochemistry: the astronomer's Survival Kit'', 30 Sept.-6 Oct. 2012.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Miembro del comité local organizador y editor del libro de abstracts de
IAU 280, 30 May--3 June 2011.
Plaza de Armas, UCLM, Toledo.
Organizador y anfitrión de Workshop COSAC-Rosetta, 7-9 June 2010.
CAB, Torreón de Ardoz, Madrid.
J. Martínez Frías, E. González Toril, Muñoz Caro, G. M.
Jornada de divulgación científica sobre meteoritos, 2 Dec. 2005,
Trujillo (Spain).
Meteoritos: de la materia primigenia al or arígen de la vida, 2002.
Co-organizador de simposio en honor de 80 cumpleaños de Prof. J. Mayo Greenberg.
Leiden (Paises Bajos).
COST action CM1401 Astrochemistry meeting, Ciudad Real 12-13 Dec., 2017.
Ponente invitado:
Photon-induced desorption of COMs in ice analogs.
Conference on "Current and future perspectives of chemical modelling in astrophysics", Hamburg 17-–19 July, 2017.
Ponente invitado (review):
Dust grain processes: experiments.
Wrap-up meeting of MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Schloss Rinberg 28-–30 June, 2017.
Evaluador invitado.
XXXVI biennial meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
(RSEQ), Sitges 25-–29 June, 2017.
Ponente invitado:
Prebiotic Chemistry in Space and Earth.
COST action CM1401 Astrochemistry meeting, Faro 19--20 Jan., 2017.
Ponente invitado:
Photon-induced desorption of astrophysical ice analogs: ice temperature dependence and release of photoproducts during irradiation.
Simposio Internacional: Los or arígenes de la vida y su búsqueda en el universo, Madrid 16--17 Nov., 2016. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales y Fundación Ramón Areces.
Ponente invitado:
Caracterización y síntesis de materia orgánica en cometas y meteoritos.
Ciclo de S. Alberto Magno, UEX, Badajoz, 15 Nov., 2016.
Ponente invitado:
El polvo interestelar, los cometas y la misión Rosetta.
Museo de la Evolución Humana, Burgos, 12 Nov., 2016.
Charla divulgativa como invitado:
Mensajeros del espacio: Los cometas y la misión Rosetta.
Goldschmidtt 2016 Workshop on Experimental Cosmochemistry, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June, 2016.
Keynote lecturer:
Organic synthesis in interstellar ice analogs and cometary molecules detected by Rosetta.
ALABASTRO workshop, Jaca, 27-30 June, 2016.
Photodesorption of ices.
SM-SPP Workshop 2014 - Laboratory Astrophysics , Tabarz, Germany, 16-18 oct., 2014.
Conferencia invitada:
Ice processes in the interstellar medium.
Laboratory Astrophysics Summer School, Tabarz, Germany, 13-17 oct., 2014.
Profesor invitado, clase impartida:
Introductory lecture on ices: observations and experiments.
International School on Astrochemistry: Astrochemistry«s cool, Cuenca, Spain:14-18 Sept., 2014.
Profesor invitado, clase teórica y clases prácticas:
Grain-surface chemistry: experiments.
Photodesorption of CO ice in dense clouds.
XI Reuni 'on científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía (SEA), Teruel, Spain: 8-12 Sept., 2014).
Conferencia invitada:
``Ice processes and organic matter in space: observations and laboratory simulations''.
1st meeting of SSHADE-Europe, IPAG, Grenoble, France, 5-6 Feb., 2014.
Conferencia invitada:
``The Interstellar Astrochemistry Chamber (ISAC) for ice simulations''.
SPIRIT Annual Meeting 2013 (University of Surrey, Guilford, Reino Unido; 22-23 Enero, 2013).
Conferencia invitada:
``Irradiation of realistic interstellar ice analogues: comparison between photon and heavy ion effects''.
Profesor en el Sardinian Summer School of Astrophysics ``Astrochemistry: the astronomer's Survival Kit'', (30 Sept.-- 06 Oct., 2012.)
Título presentaci 'on:
``Astrochemistry on ices in laboratory and link with the models''.
Tutor de las hands-on activities:
``X-ray and UV irradiation of CO ice''.
Chairman de sesi 'on Solar System Objects, IAU 280 (Toledo, Spain; 30 May--3 June, 2010).
Posters aparecen en secci 'on ``Publicaciones en libros de conferencias''.
Western Pacific Geophysics Meeeting, WPGM 2010 (Taipei, Taiwan; 22-25 June, 2010).
Presidencia de sesiones ``Laboratory Simulations for Astrophysics I (oral) y II (posters)'' (P32A y P33A).
Título poster:
``Thermal and photo-desorption of CO ice in dense clouds simulated with ISAC''.
reso de Investigaci 'on EPSA-UPV 2008 (Alcoy, Spain; 12-14 Nov., 2008).
Conferencia invitada:
``La búsqueda de materia de interés prebiótico en el espacio''.
AOGS 2008 (Busan, Korea; 16-20 June, 2008).
Presidencia de sesión Laboratory Planetary Sciences (PS06-ST30).
Conferencia invitada:
``First results from the InterStellar Astrochemistry Chamber (ISAC)''.
Título poster:
``Detection of hematite in interplanetary dust particles''.
EPSC 2007 (Potsdam, Germany; 19-24 Aug., 2007).
Conferencia invitada:
``Photoproduction of amino acids in simulated interstellar pre-cometary conditions''.
AOGS 2007 (Bangkok, Thailand; 30 July - 4 Aug., 2007).
Presidencia de sesión Laboratory Astrochemphysics (PS07).
Conferencia invitada:
``Structure and composition of the carbon materials delivered to Earth via
comets, meteorites and IDPs''.
Título poster:
``Did the dominant carbon of cometary Stardust grains form by UV-photoprocessing of icy grain mantles''.
International Conference Molecules in Space and Laboratory (Paris, France;
May 14-18)
Título poster:
``Characterization of the carbon bulk in meteorites, IDPs and cometary Wild-2 grains''.
SEM-SEA 2006 (Oviedo, Spain; Sept. 11-14, 2006).
Título conferencia:
``Silicatos en el espacio interestelar, cometas y partículas de polvo interplanetario''.
AOGS 2006 (Singapore; July 10-14, 2006).
Título conferencia:
``Space Search for solid O and N-rich organic matter of prebiotic interest''.
GeoRaman 2006 (Almu ~nécar, Spain; June 2-7, 2006).
Título poster:
``Vibrational spectroscopic study of hematite, and other iron oxides and
oxyhydroxides, in Solar System objects''.
AbSciCon 2004 (Moffet Field, USA; March 28-April 1, 2004). Título poster:
``The organic composition of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs)''.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Astrofísica Molecular (Ciudad Real, Spain; Dec. 1-4, 2003).
Título conferencia:
``Moléculas orgánicas obtenidas en simulaciones experimentales del medio interestelar''.
IRAM mm-Observing School 2003 (Pradollano, Spain; Oct. 3-10).
Solid State Chemistry in Star Forming Regions (Leiden, The Netherlands; April 14-17).
EGS, XXVII General Assembly (Nice, France; April 21-26, 2002). Título conferencia:
``Formation of chiral organic molecules in simulated interstellar conditions''.
3rd NL-Gravity & Astrobiology Symposium (Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; May
15-16, 2001). Título conferencia:
``Detection of prebiotic molecules in UV-photoprocessed interstellar ice analogs''.
Expanding your Universe 2000 (London, England; March 5, 2000). Título conferencia:
``Last results on the analysis of UV photolysis products of interstellar ice analogs''.
International School of Space Chemistry (Erice, Italy; June 5-16, 2000). Título conferencia:
``UV photolysis of hydrocarbons under simulated dense and diffuse cloud conditions''.
European Geophysical Society, XXIV Assembly (Den Haag, The Netherlands; April 19-23, 1999). Título conferencia:
``UV Photolysis of Hydrocarbons under Simulated Diffuse and Dense Cloud Conditions''.
Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie (Elspeet, The Netherlands; May 7-10, 1999).
Título poster:
``UV Photolysis of Hydrocarbons under Simulated Diffuse and Dense Cloud Conditions''.
IAU Symposium 197 (Sogwipo, Cheju Island, Korea; August 23-27, 1999). Título poster:
``UV Photolysis of Hydrocarbons under Simulated Diffuse and Dense Cloud Conditions''.
The 1999 Rosetta Lander Science Meeting (Schloss Ringberg, Germany; November 22-26, 1999).
Título conferencia invitada:
``Synthesis of compounds which could be found by COSAC''.
NOVA Herfstschool (Dwingeloo, The Netherlands; November 9-13). Título conferencia:
``Evolution of interstellar dust''.